Monday, November 9, 2009

Gotta love a Goat

Every day I am touched by the amount of affection that "livestock" hold for us silly humans. No matter what kind of a day we have they are there to love us. Each day as I feed there are several of my goats that won't eat until they have had a pet, scratch, hug or kiss. Who ever said livestock is stupid really needs to adjust the way they think.

Donald follows me to feed the San Clemente Island Goats even though he and his buddies were fed first. He leans into my leg with his shoulder and tips his face up for a kiss. Once he has it he's off to eat. Kirrian and Acheron want their loves, scratches and kisses after they eat.

Daffy wants his nose scratched and told he's handsome, Honey wants to have her ears scratched. The dairy girls all have different ways of loving up on us too. Chick (Donald's mom) wants to be hugged, kissed and her neck scratched. Then she pets me. Sweets (Kirrian and Acheron's mom) wants to get a quick neck scratch, then she wants to pet me. When she has had enough she kisses my cheek and walks away. Samantha wants to lay her head on my lap and have her ears scratched, her neck rubbed good, and a kiss on her face.

So, if livestock are stupid, why do they make such wonderful pets? They are all so individual in wants, needs and what they like. Livestock animals touch the heart in ways that traditional pets can't or don't. With all the love they share it amazes and touches me. I wonder how people could possibly think such lovable animals could be a threat.


  1. You are SO right, Joyce. Whoever said you can't buy love never bought a goat. :o)

  2. No joke. Mine are the most wonderful loveable babies ever. Even though my babies range from 9 years to 4 months. I bet every goat lover says theirs are the most wonderful.

  3. I tend to treat my Pygmies more like livestock, in that my treat training has spoiled them so I struggle to keep them off us and respect our space. We also use our dog to work them, especially now that I have a larger herd, temporarily. For instance when my lead goat and others keep getting on the porch while I am milking, if they won't respond well to my voice and stick, then my dog steps in as the enforcer to drive them back. It is funny how the goats know the difference between "git!" and "git her!" My dog will put the boys back where they go if they get in w/ the girls, too. I wasn't careful to click when I treated, and am trying to do that now. ---Ksenia
